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Trivial things

Over the past few years I have become a very open minded person, I always have been but because of everything that has happened in my life I tend to listen more, think about the other person more and try to see both sides of stories when I can. Within this time of being more open minded I have met and talked to some amazing people, people who I may not have come across if the things in my life hadn't happened, so for that I am very grateful. Then there is the flip side to this, I have come across people who are completely shallow minded, selfish, far too self absorbed and down right rude.

I try in my every day life now to do something that isn't the norm, for example, a few weeks ago I came across a little girl in a shop whose mother looked around the same age as me, we had a little small talk and then went our separate ways as would usually happen, but after I left the shop I spotted the mother and went and spoke to her, told her to add me on Facebook and now we are hopefully meeting up with the kids. I put myself out there more and try to help more which in turn (unfortunately) makes me notice people who don't help more.....people with no patience, with no manners, with no brain it would seem at times.....

Today, that is right in one day I came across a women who was nearly pushing my mum out of the way in a shopping queue, a mother who pushed in front of others just so her daughter could get her face painted first, cars that drove around me while I tried to get 2 trolly's up the curb and cars that swerved around an elderly women trying to cross a busy main road....

I have come across much worse let me tell you but I constantly say to myself at least 10 times a day WTF (what the f**k) why are people so rude, so impatient, so much more important than others? People rush by you without so much as a care to the fact you have a child in a buggy, or a walking stick or even a bloody broken leg. Children get pushed aside CHILDREN because adults are too busy making sure their precious little darling will get first go, or get next in line etc its PATHETIC

People go on about trivial things, and I actually was thinking about this the other day, nothing is trivial in my mind, if there is a problem or something that is bothering someone in that moment it isn't trivial...not to them. People need to stop and think more, that elderly woman crossing the road had no one with her, people were swerving around her yet if it had been one of those peoples mother....well it speaks for itself.

My mum who was being pushed and pushed in that queue today, being rushed for no reason....what is the need? Shes 64 years old (sorry mum) and has back issues, had my daughter with her and was made to feel like she had to rush just because someone behind her wanted to make a quick getaway...I dont think so!!

This has been a bit of a rant but I think people need to slow down, have some patience, put yourself in other people shoes, stop and think and offer some help. If everyone did something to help someone everyday it would be amazing.

Thanks for reading



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