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10 year old instagramer!?

My partner was telling me yesterday that she came across a post from a mummy who was asking other mum's advice on whether or not she should let her 10 year old have an instagram account.

Now lets get this straight, people are going to read this and probably disagree with me but even asking that question to others makes me seriously worry about parents, if MB asks for any type of social media account when she's 10 she will be told not a chance in hell. Why oh why would you even consider it? Do some parents not know anything at all? I understand there are peers that have accounts and they are all talking about it so therefor the kids come home asking and pleading but just remember whos the parent here!!!

There are so many dangers out there its not even worth thinking about, and lets face it 10 year olds now a days probably know how to open an account by themselevs, thats what scares me so much when MB starts asking, she will probably be able to do it without me even knowing but I will be trying my damdest to try and stop her untill she is at least 13 and I can monitor her every move.

Whats the harm? I've heard some parents say....whats the harm!!??? hmmmm lets see maybe some 50 year old man asking your daughter or son to send him explicit photos or finding out nearly everything about them and arriving at the house when your not there! I just couldnt believe what I was hearing and it really just shocked me, I know the world is changing and we have to move with it but lets be serious here, if your 10 year old is using social networking they are going to be recieving messages from people they dont know, talking to people they dont know and most of all being looked at by people they dont know....makes my skin crawl!

I may seem like im coming across quite harsh but its my opinion and thats all. If I think about the types of messages I've been sent in the past when I first started using the interenet it makes me sick and thats not what I want for MB or DB in the future, please parents just stop and think before you say yes and dont be afriad to say NO!

Thanks for reading



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